The Live Longer Better movement was founded by Sir Muir Gray with the mission to enable people to live better for longer, to increase Healthy Life Expectancy and reduce the period of time at the end of life when people are very dependent on others. It is based on a clear understanding of the science and a strong evidence base. Through Active Partnerships, I have been evolved from the beginning, working with the Hertfordshire division
Before this partnership, I worked alone and felt that I was never taken seriously, especially in the fitness industry, just the guy who worked with old people! I wanted to change the stereotype and prejudice associated with ageing and older adults but no one listened and no one cared. When I started MolyFit, trying to promote my new book and the benefits of exercise for older adults, I sent out hundreds of emails that just went ignored. It was The Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership (HSP) that replied to me first and I would personally like to thank John O’Callaghan and Will Slemmings for believing in me and opening so many doors that I couldn’t access on my own. Later, came Charlotte Bird, Active Ageing Officer, who has just taken everything to the next level.
This week alone, I have run an online fitness class for, attended the national event for Live Longer Better in Westminster and had a press day at Everyone Active St Albans, promoting the benefits of exercise for Parkinson’s. All of this is because of HSP and I am proud to be part of this team and forever grateful to them for their continued support.